Austin Mu Sool Won
Family Martial Arts Center

Articles on Master Byung In Lee

Tae Kwon Do Times
January 2002

"Master Byung In Lee, The Korean Cowboy"

Martial Arts and Combat Sports
December 2000

"Close-up Byung In Lee"

Martial Arts and Combat Sports
January 2000

"Byung In Lee's Inverted Blade - Another Dimension in Swordsmanship"

TKD and Korean Martial Arts
October 1999

"Byung In Lee - The Rhinestone Cowboy"

Inside Karate
September 1995

"Breaking Training - Internal and External Techniques"

Tae Kwon Do Times July 1994

"Byung In Lee - With a Sword In Each Hand He Fights for Family Values"

Black Belt
June 1990

Kuk Sool's Twin Long Swords - Doubly Chilling and Challenging

Inside Karate
March 1988